The MacArthur’s
Archie and Bettie MacArthur have been actively involved on the mission fields of Mexico, Japan and the Philippines. Upon returning, they both felt a common burden to reach the Indian Reservations with God’s Love, so they moved to Arizona. Once there, they got involved with the food bank and humanitarian aid and began delivering food, clothing & other items to the Reservation. Although these physical necessities were being supplied, they felt that there was still something lacking, the Lord showed them that the need to help children was great.
In their words, “How sad that so many kids have to suffer & struggle because of the sins of the parents. Drugs and Alcohol are destroying so many families. They are like little lost lambs in need of shepherding. We know we can’t help them all, but we can do something. We can do our part to help the ones God brings into our lives. And maybe if they can believe that we love them, maybe they can believe that there is a God up there who love’s them too! Just knowing that “Somebody does Care,” and most of all that Jesus Cares about them!, can and will change their life and give them so much hope and something to live for!